Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
Exercises 109

4.27 There has been a suggestion in the literature that women are more likely to seek help for de-
pression than men. A graduate student took a sample of 100 cases from area psychologists
and found that 61 of them were women. You can model what the data would look like over
repeated samplings when the probability of a case being a woman by creating 1000 samples
of 100 cases each when p(woman) 5 .50. This is easily done using SPSS by first creating a
file with 1000 rows. (This is a nuisance to do, and you can best do it by downloading the
file–7.dat which already has a file
set up with 1000 rows, though that is all that is in the file.) Then use the Transform/
Computemenu to create numberwomen 5 RV.BINOM(100,.5).For each trial the entry for
numberwomen is the number of people in that sample of 100 who were women.
a. Does it seem likely that 61 women (out of 100 clients) would arise if p 5 .50?
b. How would you test the hypothesis that 75% of depressed cases are women?

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