Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
For example, we might be interested in the probability that an infant will start walking at
14 months plus or minus one-half month. Such an interval is shown in Figure 5.3. If we ar-
bitrarily define the total area under the curve to be 1.00, then the shaded area in Figure 5.3
between points aand bwill be equal to the probability that an infant chosen at random will
begin walking at this time. Those of you who have had calculus will probably recognize
that if we knew the form of the equation that describes this distribution (i.e., if we knew
the equation for the curve), we would simply need to integrate the function over the inter-
val from ato b. For those of you who have not had calculus, it is sufficient to know that the
distributions with which we will work are adequately approximated by other distributions
that have already been tabled. In this book we will never integrate functions, but we will
often refer to tables of distributions. You have already had experience with this procedure
with regard to the normal distribution in Chapter 3.
We have just considered the area of Figure 5.3 between aand b, which is centered on
the mean. However, the same things could be said for any interval. In Figure 5.3 you can
also see the area that corresponds to the period that is one-half month on either side of
18 months (denoted as the shaded area between cand d). Although there is not enough
information in this example for us to calculate actual probabilities, it should be clear by in-
spection of Figure 5.3 that the one-month interval around 14 months has a higher probabil-
ity (greater shaded area) than the one-month interval around 18 months.
A good way to get a feel for areas under a curve is to take a piece of transparent graph
paper and lay it on top of the figure (or use a regular sheet of graph paper and hold the two up
to a light). If you count the number of squares that fall within a specified interval and divide
by the total number of squares under the whole curve, you will approximate the probability
that a randomly drawn score will fall within that interval. It should be obvious that the smaller
the size of the individual squares on the graph paper, the more accurate the approximation.

5.6 Permutations and Combinations

We will set continuous distributions aside until they are needed again in Chapter 7 and
beyond. For now, we will concentrate on two discrete distributions (the binomial and the
multinomial) that can be used to develop the chi-square test in Chapter 6. First we must
consider the concepts of permutations and combinations, which are required for a discus-
sion of those distributions.

120 Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of Probability


Age (in months)



Figure 5.3 Probability of first walking during four-week intervals centered on
14 and 18 months
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