This is a chi-square on 1 dfand is significant because it exceeds the critical value of 3.84.
There is reason to conclude that the intervention was successful.
One Further Step
The question that Dr Freedenthal asked was actually more complicated than the one that I
just answered, because she also had a control group that did not receive the intervention
but was evaluated at both times as well. She wanted to test whether the change in the
intervention group was greater than the change in the control group. This actually turns out
to be an easier test than you might suspect. The test is attributable to Marascuilo and Serlin
(1979). The data are independent because we have different children in the two treatments
and because those who change in one direction are different from those who change in the
other direction. So all that we need to do is create a 2 3 2 contingency table with Treat-
ment Condition on the columns and Increase versus Decrease on the rows and enter data
only from those children in each group who changed their behavior from fall to spring. The
chi-square test on this contingency table tests the null hypothesis that there was an equal
degree of change in the two groups. (A more extensive discussion of the whole issue of
testing non-independent frequency data can be found at
StatPages/More_Stuff/Chi-square/Testing Dependent Proportions.pdf.)
6.8 One- and Two-Tailed Tests
People are often confused as to whether chi-square is a one- or a two-tailed test. This confu-
sion results from the fact that there are different ways of defining what we mean by a one-
or a two-tailed test. If we think of the sampling distribution of , we can argue that is a
one-tailed test because we reject only when our value of lies in the extreme right tail
of the distribution. On the other hand, if we think of the underlying data on which our ob-
tained is based, we could argue that we have a two-tailed test. If, for example, we were
using chi-square to test the fairness of a coin, we would reject if it produced too many
heads orif it produced too many tails, since either event would lead to a large value of.
The preceding discussion is not intended to start an argument over semantics (it does
not really matter whether you think of the test as one-tailed or two); rather, it is intended to
point out one of the weaknesses of the chi-square test, so that you can take this into ac-
count. The weakness is that the test, as normally applied, is nondirectional. To take a sim-
ple example, consider the situation in which you wish to show that increasing amounts of
quinine added to an animal’s food make it less appealing. You take 90 rats and offer them a
choice of three bowls of food that differ in the amount of quinine that has been added. You
then count the number of animals selecting each bowl of food. Suppose the data are
Amount of Quinine
Small Medium Large
39 30 21
The computed value of is 5.4, which, on 2 df, is not significant at p ,.05.
The important fact about the data is that any of the six possible configurations of the
same frequencies (such as 21, 30, 39) would produce the same value of , and you receive
no credit for the fact that the configuration you obtained is precisely the one that you pre-
dicted. Thus, you have made a multi-tailedtest when in fact you have a specific prediction
H 0
H 0 x^2
x^2 x^2
x^2 =
©(O 2 E)^2
(4 2 8.0)^2
(12 2 8.0)^2
Section 6.8 One- and Two-Tailed Tests 155