Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
are data on the average weekly spending on alcohol and tobacco in 11 regions of Great
Britain. (We saw these data in Exercise 9.27.) The data follow, and I have organized the
rows to correspond to increasing expenditures on Alcohol. Though it is not apparent from
looking at either the Alcohol or Tobacco variable alone, in a bivariate plot it is clear that
Northern Ireland is a major outlier. Similarly the distribution of Alcohol expenditures is
decidedly nonnormal, whereas the ranked data on alcohol, like all ranks, are rectangularly

Section 10.3 Correlation Coefficients for Ranked Data 305

Region Alcohol Tobacco RankA RankT Inversions
Northern Ireland 4.02 4.56 1 11 10
East Anglia 4.52 2.92 2 2 1
Southwest 4.79 2.71 3 1 0
East Midlands 4.89 3.34 4 4 1
Wales 5.27 3.53 5 6 2
West Midlands 5.63 3.47 6 5 1
Southeast 5.89 3.20 7 3 0
Scotland 6.08 4.51 8 10 3
Yorkshire 6.13 3.76 9 7 0
Northeast 6.19 3.77 10 8 0
North 6.47 4.03 11 9 0

Notice that when the entries are listed in the order of rankings given by Alcohol, there
are reversals (or inversions) of the ranks given by Tobacco (rank 11 of tobacco comes be-
fore all lower ranks, while rank 10 of tobacco comes before 3 lower ranks). I can count the
number of inversions just by going down the Tobacco column and counting the number of
times a ranking further down the table is lower than one further up the table. For instance,
looking at tobacco expenditures, row 1 has 10 inversions because all 10 values below it are
higher. Row 2 has only one inversion because only the rank of “1” is lower than a rank
of 2, and so on.
If there were a perfect ordinal relationship between these two sets of ranks, we would
not expect to find any inversions. The region that spent the most money on alcohol would
spend the most on tobacco, the region with the next highest expenditures on alcohol would
be second highest on tobacco, and so on. Inversions of this form are the basis for Kendall’s


There are n(n 2 1) 2 5 11(10) 2 5 55 pairs of rankings. Eighteen of those rankings are
inversions (often referred to as “discordant”). This is found as the sum of the right-most
column), and 37 of those pairs are not inversions (“concordant”) and this is simply the total
number of pairs (55) minus the number of discordant pairs (18).
We will let Cstand for the number of concordant pairs and Dfor the number of discor-
dant pairs. The difference between Cand Dis represented by S.
D 518 5 Inversions
C 537
S 5 C 2 D 519

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