Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1

Magnitude of Effect

We can calculate^2 for these data as SStreat SStotal 5 3497.60 4617.60 5 .76, indicating
that treatment differences account for 76% of the variation in the study. A nearly unbiased
estimate would be v^2 , which would be

Both estimates indicate that group differences account for a very substantial proportion
of the variation in this study.

12.3 A Priori Comparisons

There are two reasons for starting our discussion with a priori comparisons and t tests. In
the first place, standard t tests between pairs of means can be a perfectly legitimate method
of comparison. Second, the basic formula for t, and minor modifications on it, are applica-
ble to a large number of procedures, and a review at this time is useful.
As we have seen, a priori comparisons (also called contrasts) are planned before the
data have been collected. There are several different kinds of a priori comparison proce-
dures, and we will discuss them in turn.

Multiple tTests

One of the simplest methods of running preplanned comparisons is to use individual t tests be-
tween pairs of groups. In running individual t tests, if the assumption of homogeneity of vari-
ance is tenable, we usually replace the individual variances, or the pooled variance estimate,

v^2 =

SStreat 2 (k 2 1)MSerror
SStotal 1 MSerror


3497.60 2 4(32)

4617.60 132





h > >

12.3 A Priori Comparisons 369

Table 12.1 Data and analysis on morphine tolerance

(a) Data
M-S M-M S-S S-M Mc-M
3 2 14 29 24
5 12 6 20 26
1131236 40
1101925 20
4 11 9 26 27
9192117 30
Mean 4.00 10.00 11.00 24.00 29.00
St. Dev 3.16 5.13 6.72 6.37 6.16

(b) Summary Table
Source df SS MS F
Treatment 4 3497.60 874.40 27.33*
Error 35 1120.00 32.00
Total 39 4617.60



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