14.1 The Structural Model
First, some theory to keep me happy. Two structural models could underlie the analysis of
data like those shown in Table 14.1. The simplest model is
the grand mean
a constant associated with the ith person or subject, representing how much
that person differs from the average person
a constant associated with the jth treatment, representing how much that
treatment mean differs from the average treatment mean
the experimental error associated with the ith subject under the jth treatment
The variables are assumed to be independently and normally distributed around zero
within each treatment. Their variances, and , are assumed to be homogeneous across
treatments. (In presenting expected means square, I am using the notation developed in the
preceding chapters. The error term and subject factor are considered to be random, so
those variances are presented as and. (Subjects are always treated as random.) How-
ever, the treatment factor is generally a fixed factor, so its variation is denoted as ) With these
assumptions it is possible to derive the expected mean squares shown in Model I of Table 14.2.
An alternative and probably more realistic model is given by
Here we have added a Subject 3 Treatment interaction term to the model, which allows
different subjects to change differently over treatments. The assumptions of the first model
will continue to hold, and we will also assume the to be distributed around zero inde-
pendently of the other elements of the model. This second model gives rise to the expected
mean squares shown in Model II of Table 14.2.
The discussion of these two models and their expected mean squares may look as if it is
designed to bury the solution to a practical problem (comparing a set of means) under a
mountain of statistical theory. However, it is important to an explanation of how we will run
our analyses and where our tests come from. You’ll need to bear with me only a little longer.
14.2 FRatios
The expected mean squares in Table 14.2 indicate that the model we adopt influences the F
ratios we employ. If we are willing to assume that there is no Subject 3 Treatment interac-
tion, we can form the following ratios:
E(MSbetween subj)
s^2 e 1 ks^2 p
s^2 e
Xij=m1pi1tj1ptij 1 eij
u^2 t
s^2 p s^2 e
s^2 p s^2 e
pi and eij
Xij=m1pi1tj 1 eij
464 Chapter 14 Repeated-Measures Designs
Table 14.2 Expected mean squares for simple repeated-measures designs
Model I Model II
Source E(MS) Source E(MS)
Subjects Subjects
Treatments Treatments
Error s^2 e Error se^2 1s^2 pt
s^2 e 1 nut^2 s^2 e1spt^21 nut^2
s^2 e 1 ks^2 p s^2 e 1 ksp^2
Xij=m1pi1tj 1 eij Xij=m1pi1tj1ptij 1 eij