We can calculate and and evaluate Fon the appropriate df. The pooled variance-
covariance matrix (averaged across the separate matrices) is presented in Table 14.5.
(I have not presented the variance–covariance matrices for the several groups because they
are roughly equivalent and because each of the elements of the matrix is based on only
eight observations.)
From Table 14.5 we can see that our values of and are .6569 and .8674, respec-
tively. Since these are in the neighborhood of .75, we will follow Huynh and Feldt’s sug-
gestion and use. In this case, the degrees of freedom for the interaction are
(g 2 1)(i 2 1)(0.7508) 5 7.508
g(n 2 1)(i 2 1)(0.7508) 5 78.834
The exact critical value of , which means that we will reject the
null hypothesis for the interaction. Thus, regardless of any problems with sphericity, all
F.05(7.508, 78.834) is2.09
~ ́
́N ~ ́
́N ~ ́
478 Chapter 14 Repeated-Measures Designs
Table 14.5 Variance-covariance matrix and calculation of and
123456 Mean
6388.173 4696.226 2240.143 681.649 2017.726 1924.066 2991.330
4696.226 7863.644 4181.476 2461.702 2891.524 3531.869 4271.074
2240.143 4181.476 3912.380 2696.690 2161.690 3297.762 3081.690
681.649 2461.702 2696.690 4601.327 2248.600 3084.589 2629.093
2017.726 2891.524 2161.690 2248.600 3717.369 989.310 2337.703
1924.066 3531.869 3297.762 3084.589 989.310 5227.649 3009.208
(24 231 1)(5)(0.6569) 22
5325232 5(0.6569) 4
53222 5(0.6569) 4
́~= (N^2 g^1 1)(i^2 1) ́N^22
(i 2 1) 3 N 2 g 2 (i 2 1) ́N 4
53 416,392,330 2 697,431,120 1 335,626,064 4
36(5285.090 2 3053.350)^2
(6 2 1) 3 416,392,330 2 (2)(6)(58,119,260) 1 (36)(3053.350^2 ) 4
́N =
i^2 (sjj 2 s)^2
(i 2 1)(gs^2 jk 22 igs^2 j 1 i^2 s^2 )
j =2991.330
(^2 1) Á 1 3009.208 (^2) =58,119,260
(^21) 4696.226 (^2 1) Á 1 5227.649 (^2) =416,392,330
6388.173 1 4696.226 1 Á 1 989.310 1 5227.649