Section 14.8 Two Between-Subjects Variables and One Within-Subjects Variable 485
Table 14.7 (continued)
(c) Summary Table
Source df SS MS F
Between subjects 39 21,490.344
Group (Condition) 1 107.256 107.256 0.21
Sex 1 3358.056 3358.056 6.73
G 3 S 1 63.757 63.757 0.13
Ss win groups 36 17,961.275 498.924
Within subjects 120 13,914.250
Time 3 274.069 91.356 0.90
T 3 G 3 1377.819 459.273 4.51
T 3 S 3 779.919 259.973 2.55
T 3 G 3 S 3 476.419 158.806 1.56
T 3 Ss w/in groups** 108 11,006.025 101.908
Total 159 35,404.594
** Obtained by subtraction
=6437.294 2 107.256 2 274.069 2 3358.056 2 1377.819 2 63.757 2 779.919=476.419
SScells GTS=na(Xcells GTS 2 X)^2 = 103 (19.7–14.594)^2 1 Á 1 (9.50–14.594)^24 =6437.294
SSTS=SScells TS 2 SST 2 SSS=4412.044 2 274.069 2 3358.056=779.919
SScells TS=nga(Xcells TS 2 X)^2 = 10323 (24.60 2 14.594)^2 1 Á 1 (9.85 2 14.594)^24 =4412.044
SSTG=SScells TG 2 SST 2 SSG=1759.144 2 274.069 2 107.256=1377.819
SScells TG=nsa(Xcells TG 2 X)^2 = 10323 (13.45 2 14.594)^2 1 Á 1 (12.300 2 14.594)^24 =1759.144
SStime=ngsa(XT 2 X)^2 = 1032323 (16.625 2 14.594)^2 1 Á 1 (13.225 2 14.594)^24 =274.069
SSGS=SScells GS 2 SSG 2 SSS=3529.069 2 107.256 2 3358.056=63.757
SScells GS=nta(Xcells GS 2 X)^2 = 10343 (20.625 2 14.594)^2 1 Á 1 (9.825 2 14.594)^24 =3529.069
The summary table for the analysis of variance is presented in Table 14.7c. In this table,
the ** indicate terms that were obtained by subtraction. Specifically,
These last two terms are the error terms for between-subjects and within-subjects effects,
respectively. That these error terms are appropriate is shown by examining the expected
mean squares presented in Table 14.8 on page 486.^5 For the expected mean squares of ran-
dom and mixed models, see Kirk (1968) or Winer (1971).
SST 3 Ss w/in groups=SSw/in subj 2 SST 2 SSTG 2 SSTS 2 SSTGS
SSSs w/in groups=SSbetween subj 2 SSG 2 SSS 2 SSGS
SSw/in subj=SStotal 2 SSbetween subj
(^5) As in earlier tables of expected mean squares, we use the to refer to the variance of random terms and to
refer to the variability of fixed terms. Subjects are always treated as random, whereas in this study the two main
independent variables are fixed.
s^2 u^2