for the two models. Instead we are going to use Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC),
which is based on a likelihood ratio statistic that we will not explore. To compute Akaike’s
AIC statistic using SPSS you need to resort to tampering with the syntax, but that is fairly
simple. You simply set up the regression as you normally would, being sure to ask for at
least one statistic (e.g., descriptive statistics). Then instead of submitting the analysis di-
rectly, choose the Paste option and edit the resulting syntax by adding “selection” to the
statistics subcommand. If you do this for the two models, the model using PctSAT will give
you the following summary.
546 Chapter 15 Multiple Regression
Model Summary
Selection Criteria
Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error Akaike Amemiya Mallows, Schwarz
R Square of the Estimate Information Prediction Prediction Bayesian
Criterion Criterion Criterion Criterion
1 .905a .819 .812 32.459 350.906 .204 3.000 356.642
aPredictors: (Constant), PctSAT, Expend
Model Summary
Selection Criteria
Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error Akaike Amemiya Mallows, Schwarz
R Square of the Estimate Information Prediction Prediction Bayesian
Criterion Criterion Criterion Criterion
1 .941a .886 .881 25.781 327.869 .128 3.000 333.605
aPredictors: (Constant), LogPctSAT, Expend
The model using LogPctSAT will next give you the following summary.
With Akaike’s AIC, smaller is better. Notice that you have a noticeably smaller AIC when
LogPctSAT is the predictor. Unfortunately there is no statistical test to tell us whether
327.869 is significantly smaller than 350.906. You will just have to take my word for it that
using the log of the percentage of students taking the SAT is preferable.
15.11 Constructing a Regression Equation
A major problem for anyone who has ever attempted to write a regression equation to pre-
dict some criterion or to understand a set of relationships among variables concerns choos-
ing the variables to be included in the model. We often suffer from having too many
potential variables rather than too few. Although it would be possible to toss in all of the
variables to see what would happen, this solution is neither practical nor wise. We have al-
ready seen that tolerance and the variance inflation factor can be useful in helping us to
identify variables that are highly correlated with each other and thus redundant when it
comes to predicting Y. But we also have other ways of optimizing our equation.
Selection Methods
There are many ways to construct some sort of “optimal” regression equation from a large
set of variables. This section will briefly describe several of these approaches. But first we
Criterion (AIC)