Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
Now let us approach the statistical treatment of these data by means of least-squares
multiple linear regression. We will take as our criterion (Y) the raw data in Table 16.1. For
the predictors we will use a design matrix of the form
A 1 A 2 A 3

Here the elements of any one row of the design matrix are taken to apply to all the sub-
jects in the treatment. The multiple-regression solution using the design matrix Xas the
matrix of predictors is presented in Exhibit 16.1. Here the dependent variable (Y) is the
first column of the data matrix. The next three columns together form the matrix X. SPSS
was used to generate this solution, but any standard program would be suitable. (I have
made some very minor changes in the output to simplify the discussion.)
Notice the patterns of intercorrelations among the Xvariables in Exhibit 16.1. This
type of pattern with constant off-diagonal correlations will occur whenever there are equal
numbers of subjects in the various groups. (The fact that we don’t have constant off-diagonal
correlations with unequal-nfactorial designs is what makes our life more difficult in those
Notice that the regression coefficients are written in a column. This column can be
called a vector, and is the vector b, or, in analysis of variance terms, the vector t. Notice
that b 15 2.50, which is the same as the estimated treatment effect of Treatment 1 shown in
Table 16.1. In other words, b 1 5t 1. This also happens for b 2 and b 3. This fact necessarily


Treament 1
Treament 2
Treament 3
Treament 4





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584 Chapter 16 Analyses of Variance and Covariance as General Linear Models

Table 16.1 Illustrative calculations for simple one-way design with equal ns
(a) Data
Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 Treatment 4
8 5 2.667 6.333
5 5.500

(b) Summary Table
Source df SS MS F
Treatments 3 45.667 15.222 4.46 .626
Error 8 27.333 3.417
Total 11 73.000

(c) Estimated Treatment Effects

tN 3 =X 32 X..=2.67 2 5.5= 2 2.83

tN 2 =X 22 X..=5.0 2 5.5= 2 0.5

tN 1 =X 12 X..=8.0 2 5.5=2.5



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