Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
Looking first at the ABinteractions, we see from Exhibit 16.2 that when the interaction
terms were deleted from the model, the sum of squares that could be accounted for by the
model decreased by

This decrement can only be attributable to the predictive value of the interaction terms, and

By a similar line of reasoning, we can find the other sums of squares.^1
Notice that these values agree exactly with those obtained by the more traditional pro-
cedures. Notice also that the corresponding decrements in R^2 agree with the computed val-
ues of.
As Overall and Spiegel (1969) pointed out, the approach we have taken in testing the
effects of A, B, and ABis not the only one we could have chosen. They presented two alter-
native models that might have been considered in place of this one. Fortunately, however,
the different models all lead to the same conclusions in the case of equal sample sizes,
since in this situation effects are independent of one another and therefore are additive.
When we consider the case of unequal sample sizes, however, the choice of an underlying
model will require careful consideration.



SSAB=SSregressiona,b,ab 2 SSregressiona,b=231.969 2 204.625=27.344

592 Chapter 16 Analyses of Variance and Covariance as General Linear Models

Table 16.3 Regression solution for the data in Table 16.2

Summary Table
Source df SS MS F
A 1 5.282 5.282 , 1
B 3 199.344 66.448 11.452*
AB 3 27.344 9.115 1.571
Error 24 139.250 5.802
31 371.220


SSB=SSregressiona,b,ab 2 SSregressiona,ab=231.969 2 32.625=199.344

SSA=SSregressiona,b,ab 2 SSregressionb,ab=231.969 2 226.687=5.282

SSAB=SSregressiona,b,ab 2 SSregressiona,b=231.969 2 204.625=27.344

SSregressiona,ab=32.625 R^2 =.088

SSregressionb,ab=226.687 R^2 =.611

SSregressiona,b=204.625 R^2 =.551


SSregressiona,b,ab=231.969 R^2 =.625

(^1) A number of authors (e.g., Judd & McClelland) prefer to use the increase in the error term (rather than the
decrease in SSregression) when an effect is deleted. The result will be the same.

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