significant ) That means that unless you allow for an interaction of the variables, you
will not be able to fit the data adequately. Thus Verdict and Fault interact.
17.2 Model Specification
The models we have been discussing can be represented algebraically as well as
descriptively. The algebraic notation can seem awkward, but it allows us to learn a
great deal more about the data. It is somewhat confusing because we start out with one
set of parameters, represented as t(tau), usually with a superscript, and then shortly
convert to the natural logarithm of t, represented as l(lambda), with superscripts.
Both of these statistics strongly resemble the grand mean (m) and treatment effects
(a,b, and ab) that we saw in the analysis of variance. (You might think that we would
be satisfied with one or the other, but in fact both have their uses.) I would urge you
to read the next two sections fairly quickly just to see where we are heading, and then
come back to it after you see how such parameter estimates are used in more complex
The following gets a bit confusing at first, but it’s not really that hard. Remember in
the analysis of variance that we had models like
All that I’m going to do is derive some terms that are parallel to these. First you’ll see t.
Think of it as m. Then you’ll see and. Think of these as and. I’ll make mention
of —you can guess what that is like. And finally, I’ll take logs of all this stuff. That’s
just so that I can add them up the same way we added m, , , and , to get an ex-
pected frequency.
In the simplest equiprobability model, all cell frequencies are explained by a single pa-
rameter t, where tis estimated by the geometric meanof the expected cell frequencies
given by the model. In other words,
(This model corresponds to the equiprobability model discussed in the previous section.)
A geometric mean is the nth root of the product of nterms, so in this case the geometric
mean of the four expected frequencies is
which is not a very exciting result.
For the first conditional equiprobable models we have to go further. We again define
as the geometric mean of the expected cell frequencies in that model, but here those
expected frequencies are different from the equiprobability model because they take differ-
ences due to Verdict into account.
We also define (where the superscript “V” stands for “Verdict”) as the ratio of the
geometric mean of the expected frequencies for the first (Guilty) column to the geometric
mean of the expected frequencies of all the cells (the grand mean) ( ). Then
NtV 1 =
1 (129)(129)
Nt =
tN 1 V
Nt= (^14) (129)(129)(50)(50)=80.3119
14 (89.5)(89.5)(89.5)(89.5)= =89.5
ai bj abij
tFi tVj ai bj
Xijk=m1ai1bj1abij 1 eijk
636 Chapter 17 Log-Linear Analysis
geometric mean