serious alternative to the saturated model. But the approach will be very useful when we
come to more complex designs.
From Table 17.4 (on p. 635) we see that the first four models all have significant val-
ues. This means that for each of these models there is a significant difference between ob-
served and expected values; none of them fits the obtained data. From such results we must
conclude that only a model that incorporates the interaction term can account for the re-
sults. Thus, as we have previously concluded, Fault and Verdict interact and, within the
context of Pugh’s experiment, we cannot model the data without taking this interaction into
account. Because, for Pugh, Verdict is a dependent variable, we conclude that decisions
about guilt or innocence are dependent on perceptions about Fault. (This is one of the few
places in inferential statistics where we actually seek nonsignificant results.)
From the point of view of fitting models, these results suggest that we should conclude
But when viewed from the perspective of the analysis of variance, something is missing in
such a conclusion. In the analysis of variance we start out with (and generally retain) a
model such as this, but we also test the individual elements of the model. In other words
we asked, “Within the complete model are there significant effects due to V, to F, and to
their interaction?” That is a question we haven’t really asked here. When we tested, for ex-
ample, the model , we were asking whether such a model fit the data, but
we were not asking the equally important question, When we adjust for other effectsis
there a difference attributable to Fault?
There are two ways of asking these questions using log-linear models—the easy way
and the harder way, paralleling what we did in the equal-ncase of the analysis of variance
in Chapter 16. The advantage of the more complicated way is that it generalizes to the
process we will use on interactions in more complex designs.
Let’s start with the easy way because it supplies a frame of reference. If you want to
know whether there is a difference in the data attributable to Verdict (i.e., are there sig-
nificantly more decisions of Guilty than Not Guilty), why not just ask that question
directly by looking at the marginal totals? In other words, just run a one-dimensional
likelihood ratio , as shown in Table 17.5. The 5 72.1929 is a significant result on 1df,
and we would conclude that there is a difference in the number of cases judged guilty
and not guilty.
Now let’s ask the same question about low and high levels of Fault (see Table 17.6).
This effect (0.0447) is clearly not significant—nor would Pugh have expected it to be given
x^2 x^2
ln(Fij)=l1lVi 1lFj 1lVFij
Section 17.3 Testing Models 639
Table 17.5 Test on differences due to Verdict
Guilty Not Guilty
fij 258 100
Fij 179 179
= 2 a258 ln
1 100 ln
x^2 = (^2) afij ln a