Index 759
chi-square test, 141
choice of coefficients, 373
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistic, 157
coded variables, 581
coefficient of variation, 44–45
Cohen’s d, 200
cohort studies, 160
collinearity, 527
column totals, 146
combinations, 122–123
combinatorics, 121
computer programs, 517
computer use, 9–10
conditional array, 264
conditional distributions, 260, 265
conditional equiprobability model, 633–635
conditional means, 562
conditional odds, 642
conditional probability, 101, 117
conditional test, 148
confidence interval, 192, 385
confidence intervals and effect sizes for
contrasts, 384–387
confidence interval, 385
effect size, 386
confidence limits, 192
confidence limits on Y, 266–268, 276–277
confidence limits versus tests of significance, 277
contingency table, 145
contingency table analysis, 145–148
continuous measure, 565
continuous variables, 4, 118
contrasts, 369
Cook’s D, 541
correcting for continuity, 147
correlation (r), 246, 248
correlation and beta, 257
correlation and regression, 245–285
the accuracy of prediction, 258–264
assumptions underlying regression and
correlation, 264–266
confidence limits on Y, 266–268
the covariance, 250–252
factors that affect the correlation, 281–283
hypothesis testing, 271–278
other ways of fitting a line to data, 257–258
The Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient (r), 252–253
power calculation for Pearson’s r, 283–284
the regression line, 253–257
the relationship between stress and health, 248–250
the role of assumptions in correlation and
regression, 280–281
scatterplot, 247–249
correlation coefficient in the population r(rho), 252
correlation coefficients for ranked data, 303–306
calculating rs, 304
calculating t, 305–306
Kendall’s tau coefficient (t), 304
ranking data, 304
significance of rs, 304
significance of t, 306
Spearman’s correlation coefficient for ranked
data (rs), 304
correlation ratio, 344
correlational approach, 307–308
correlational measures, 294
counter variables, 581
covariance, 250–252
covariate, 599
analysis of variance on, 607
described, 601
expected value of, 611
Cramér’s V, 165
criterion, 248
critical value, 96
crossed experimental design, 432
crossed experimental design with a random variable, 432
crossed experimental design with fixed variables, 432
crossed variables, 431
cross-validation, 549–550
curvilinear regression, 344
curvilinear relationships, 280
deciles, 52
decision making, 96
decision tree, 10
defining set, 645
degrees of freedom (df), 47–48, 143, 147, 198, 207, 327
degrees of freedom (df) error, 327
degrees of freedom (df) total, 327
delta (d), 230
DeMoivre, Abraham, 69
density, 119
dependent or repeated measurements, 153–155
dependent variables, 4
deriving models, 648–652
describing distributions, 27–30
descriptive statistics, 5
design matrix, 581
deviation scores, 54, 72
d-family, 159, 160
d-family measures, 440
d-family measures of effect size, 347–348
diagnostic plots, 543–544
dichotomous predictor, 570
dichotomy, 295
differences, 246