standard deviation from the mean, if the total area under the curve is taken to be 1.00. (Re-
member that we care about areas because they translate directly to probabilities.) We al-
ready have seen that zscores represent standard deviations from the mean, and thus we
know that we want to find the area above z 5 1.
Only the positive half of the normal distribution is tabled. Because the distribution is
symmetric, any information given about a positive value of zapplies equally to the correspon-
ding negative value of z. (The table in Appendixzalso contains a column labeled “y.” This is
just the height [density] of the curve corresponding to that value of z. I have not included it
here to save space and because it is rarely used.) From Table 3.1 (or Appendixz) we find the
row corresponding to z 5 1.00. Reading across that row, we can see that the area from the
mean to z 5 1 is 0.3413, the area in the larger portionis 0.8413, and the area in the smaller
portionis 0.1587. If you visualize the distribution being divided into the segment below
z 5 1 (the unshaded part of Figure 3.7) and the segment above z 5 1 (the shaded part), the
meanings of the terms larger portionand smaller portionbecome obvious. Thus, the answer
to our original question is 0.1587. Because we already have equated the terms areaand prob-
ability, we now can say that if we sample a child at random from the population of children,
and if Behavior Problem scores are normally distributed, then the probability that the child
will score more than one standard deviation above the mean of the population (i.e., above 60)
is .1587. Because the distribution is symmetric, we also know that the probability that a child
will score more than one standard deviation belowthe mean of the population is also .1587.
Now suppose that we want the probability that the child will be more than one standard
deviation (10 points) from the mean in either direction. This is a simple matter of the sum-
mation of areas. Because we know that the normal distribution is symmetric, then the area
below z 52 1 will be the same as the area above z 51 1. This is why the table does not
contain negative values of z—they are not needed. We already know that the areas in which
we are interested are each 0.1587. Then the total area outside z 56 1 must be 0.1587 1
0.1587 5 0.3174. The converse is also true. If the area outside z 56 1 is 0.3174, then the
area between z 51 1 and z 52 1 is equal to 1 2 0.3174 5 0.6826. Thus, the probability
that a child will score between 40 and 60 is .6826.
To extend this procedure, consider the situation in which we want to know the proba-
bility that a score will be between 30 and 40. A little arithmetic will show that this is sim-
ply the probability of falling between 1.0 standard deviation below the mean and 2.0
standard deviations below the mean. This situation is diagrammed in Figure 3.8. (Hint: It is
always wise to draw simple diagrams such as Figure 3.8. They eliminate many errors and
make clear the area(s) for which you are looking.)
74 Chapter 3 The Normal Distribution
–2 –1 0 1 2 3
Figure 3.7 Illustrative areas under the normal distribution