Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

ties surrounding Armories and training areas. Knott and
Slade address the concept of Enterprise Sustainability
where the operational mission, or the natural setting to
train Soldiers, will not decline in the future. They offer
many examples of innovative programs underway, in
several states, to preserve the environment as partners
within the local communities.
In the chapter entitled “Building Green,” William
Goran, Thomas Napier, Richard Schneider and Annette
Stumpfe address the Army’s adoption of the Leadership
in Environmental and Energy Design program. The future
Army goal is to have 25 Net Zero installations, energy,
water and waste, by 2030. While a large undertaking, the
chapter discusses a potential solutions way and addresses
cultural changes in order to achieve mission success.
This anthology shares a myriad of ideas and innova-
tive practices which will reduce energy costs and have a
reduced affect on the environment in our training areas,
both here in the United States and abroad. It is our intent
that this will assist practitioners, both current and new, of
energy security and environmental sustainability in order
to build upon existing programs to reduce the Army’s an-
nual $4 billion in energy consumption.
Since 1993, the Center for Strategic Leadership has
published many articles and hosted many conferences in
regards to Energy and the Environment. We are honored
to publish this timely compilation of ideas to foster addi-
tional dialogue, future publication and recruit new prac-
titioners of environmental sustainability.

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