cally powerful individuals who can bend the legal
system with impunity, it is difficult for the Green
agenda to survive, much less prosper. The issues the
Green movement publicized were directly related to
local environmental threats and abuses of power, in-
cluding blatant disregard for existing law. The Greens
have achieved limited success in stopping some of
the activities they oppose, but many of their actions
result only in delays or outright defeat by monied in-
terests. In case after case, the powerful elite hire thugs
or enlist local police to harass, mistreat, arrest or oth-
erwise control protesting citizens. In one publicized
case, a journalist opposing the destruction of a forest
near Moscow was beaten almost to death. It appears
that no serious search for the perpetrators has been
conducted (Yabloko Party 2010, July-August, 11/9/10
items). Environmental whistle blowers faced charges
of treason and were subjected to long court battles and
imprisonment for publishing information, which they
claimed was already in the public record (Henry and
Douhovnikoff 2008, 450). There are few hopeful signs,
with a weak but dedicated Green movement winning
occasional battles against the powerful. The public at
large appears to be apathetic, or perhaps has more im-
mediate worries to address.
Environmental Conditions in Russia
As the Soviet era closed, Russia and the Common-
wealth of Independent States had a host of severe
documented environmental and health problems, that
included a lower life expectancy. Large populations
were exposed to highly toxic substances, including
neurotoxins and radiation from the domestic and mil-
itary aspects of the nuclear program. Inadequate con-