Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

Figure 1. Map of major U.S. military installations
(Doe 2011).

military land inventory. Land management respon-
sibilities lie with all four Armed Services (Army, Air
Force, Navy and Marine Corps). The Army manages
the largest percentage of lands, with approximately
51% of the 30 million acres (12.1 mill ha), while the
Air Force manages about 38% of the inventory and
the Navy/Marine Corps the remaining 11% (Doe and
Palka 2011).

Today’s military lands represent the Department
of Defense’s places for training, testing and power
projection of forces from the United States to theaters
of operation abroad, be it to fight global terrorism, con-
duct security and stability operations, or support hu-
manitarian missions, such as disaster response to hur-
ricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes (Doe et al. 2006).
While the total footprint remains approximately the

Figure 1. Map of major U.S. military installations (Doe 2011).

tion locations, totaling approximately 18 million acres,
or some 60%, of the 30 million acres in the existing
military land inventory. Land management respon-
sibilities lie with all four Armed Services (Army, Air
Force, Navy and Marine Corps). The Army manages
the largest percentage of lands, with approximately
51% of the 30 million acres (12.1 mill ha), while the
Air Force manages about 38% of the inventory and
the Navy/Marine Corps the remaining 11% (Doe and
Palka 2011).

Today’s military lands represent the Department
of Defense’s (DOD) places for training, testing and
power projection of forces from the United States
to theaters of operation abroad, be it to fight global
terrorism, conduct security and stability operations,
or support humanitarian missions, such as disaster

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