Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

energy coupled with an anticipated budgetary short-
fall in the Army’s budget, and the increasing use of
electricity” (USMA, 2009). The greening initiative
was developed “to take advantage of the intellectual
capital in our academic departments and engineering
fields to save scarce fiscal and energy resources, and
develop the concepts to become the Army/Federal in-
stallation ‘laboratory’ for energy efficiency” (USMA,
2009). The Superintendent of West Point assigned the
Commander, U.S. Army Garrison as the lead for the
greening initiative.
One of the first tasks accomplished was forming
the West Point Energy Council. The West Point En-
ergy Council consists of five core teams and three sup-
port teams comprised of representatives from a vari-
ety of agencies and staffs at West Point and directed
by an Executive Team comprised of representatives
from the Garrison and the Academy (Fig. 2). The West
Point Energy Council subsequently developed the fol-
lowing vision for energy and environmental security
at West Point:

West Point as a flagship installation and Army leader
that operates using an integrated systems’ approach
to reduce energy consumption and cost, enhance ca-
det education and leader development, and involve
the entire West Point community toward achieving
energy and environmental security.
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