Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

The Academy brings with it experienced faculty and
motivated cadets with a thirst for knowledge about
energy, alternative energy, the environment, and the
desire to conduct research (Fig. 4).

As Figure 4 indicates the Garrison has experienced
staff, energy mandates, and renewable energy re-
quirements. Combining the Academy and the Garri-
son efforts provides synergy to West Point’s efforts.
To guide West Point to achieve the stated vision, the
Energy Council developed six energy security goals.
The first five goals are based upon the energy security
goals articulated in the Army Energy Security Strate-
gy (Army Senior Energy Council, 2009). The sixth goal
was created to support West Point’s unique leader de-
velopment mission. The six Energy Security Goals are:

Figure 4. This figure showcases the collective strengths of
the Academy and Garrison partnership, working together to
achieve energy and environmental security for West Point.
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