Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

det education and leader development, and the West
Point Energy Council’s overall technical, academic,
and outreach objectives. This holistic approach pre-
vents projects from being viewed in isolation. Instead,
this approach encourages projects to be selected based
on how well they complement and support other po-
tential projects as well as their own intrinsic positive
effects on monetary and intangible criteria.

Each core team (Fig. 2) will identify and evaluate
requirements, and then recommend green projects
that will assist West Point in achieving energy and
environmental security. Throughout the planning and
evaluation process, cadets will be involved on plan-
ning teams and will pursue relevant independent
studies and classroom research so they can assess the
challenging energy and environmental issues facing
our nation and our world. Given a recommendation
for a proposed project, the West Point Energy Coun-

Figure 5. Potential green projects for West Point that are eval-
uated within a Systems Thinking Methodology to determine
their feasibility.
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