Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1


The Army National Guard (ARNG) is a commu-
nity-based operational force and primary Federal Re-
serve of the Army, providing ready units to support
global and domestic requirements.
Today’s ARNG is a full partner in America’s de-
fense, an integral part of the Army’s operational force,
and capable of operating on a 24-hour battlefront
with the versatility and effectiveness of its active duty
counterparts. Army National Guard units deploying
since 9/11 have been the best-trained, best-led, and
best-equipped ARNG force in America’s history. In
this era of persistent conflict, the commitment of the
Citizen Soldier to go whenever and wherever duty
calls remains undiminished.
In keeping with the Guard’s calling to “lead by ex-
ample,” it is the policy of the ARNG to incorporate an
Enterprise Sustainability philosophy into every aspect
of Guard planning, training, equipping and opera-
tions. An Enterprise Sustainability approach means
that we consider how our actions will affect the Guard
mission, energy use, the natural environment, the vi-
tality of our communities and the well-being of our
Citizen Soldiers and their families. The ARNG Enter-
prise Sustainability will ensure that the Guard has the
ability to operate into the future without decline either
in the mission or the natural and built systems that
support it.
The National Guard will institutionalize sustain-
ability in the ARNG by synchronization of efforts
across multiple lines of operation to create enterprise-
wide Sustainability Management. This will enable the
ARNG Directorate, located at Arlington Hall Station
(AHS), in Arlington, Virgina, along with individual

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