fectively equip, train, and deploys soldiers today,
and into perpetuity, without a decline in the mission,
or the natural and built systems that support it. The
ARNG’s initiative of an enterprise-wide Sustainabil-
ity program is an approach that incorporates a sus-
tainability philosophy from top to bottom in all areas
of operations support, including engagement with
stakeholders, regulators, and partners in our commu-
nities. We are developing a fully integrated strategy
and performance management system that will drive
resource decisions within the ARNG Directorate and
ARNG commands in all states and territories, as well
as processes that guide up-front investments in more
efficient systems resulting in lower total-life-cycle
costs. The ARNG is also developing programs where
Soldiers, their families, and our civilian workforce
have a personal commitment to sustainability and are
active participants in programs that enhance readi-
ness and extend our operational capabilities.
The ARNG today faces unprecedented demands
on its Soldiers, communities, natural resources and
various other assets, that enable the accomplishment
of the ARNG mission. We must strive to become sys-
tems thinkers if we are to benefit from the interrela-
tionships of the triple bottom line of sustainability: mis-
sion, environment, and community (U.S. Army 2004).
Our Readiness relies on the actions we take now to en-
sure that our Soldiers today—and the Soldiers of the
future—have the land, water and air resources they
need to train; a healthy environment in which to live;
and the support of local communities, government of-
ficials, and the American people. The Army National
Guard will meet those obligations by becoming a more
sustainable organization.