Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

projects. The goal is to satisfy mission requirements
while maintaining a safe, healthy, and high qual-
ity environment for current and future generations.
The goal of sustainable development is to make the
most effective use of limited resources, and to create
more compact and sustainable communities that still
meet security and safety requirements. Master plan-
ners shall strive to maximize sustainability and work
towards achieving the Army net zero goals in their
planning process. Key planning principles include
sustainable development, sustainable building de-
sign, natural and cultural resource preservation and
planning for healthy communities (encourage physi-
cal activity, such as walking from building to build-
IMCOM recently issued Policy Memorandum
11-32-1 – Operationalizing Sustainability (IMCOM
2011). This Memorandum describes how to incorpo-
rate the IMCOM principles of sustainability (mission
excellence, community collaboration, environmental
stewardship, economic benefit, and systems think-
ing) through collaborative, integrated, long-range
planning and cross-functional team-based execution.
IMCOM garrisons are using the Installation Strategic
Sustainability Planning (ISSP) process to operational-
ize sustainability by applying the principles of sus-
tainability in an evolution in planning and plan ex-
ecution to move the installation from the current state
towards a net zero installation in its 25 year journey.
The policy directs integrated planning and implemen-
tation efforts to tie together Sustainable Design and
Development, Succession Planning, Army Compat-
ible Use Buffer Program, Sustainable Range Program,
Environmental Management System, Greenhouse Gas
Emissions and the Green Procurement Program.

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