tems. USACE supports the accreditation of staff by
conducting various in-house and vendor-provided
SDD Validation Committee
In January 2009, the Army established an SDD
Validation Committee to validate its internal certifica-
tion process for sustainability scoring (SPiRiT/LEED)
of MILCON projects in accordance with requirements
of the Energy Independence Security Act of 2007 gov-
erning SDD. The committee included members from
ACSIM (Construction, Base Realignment and Closure,
Army Reserve, Facilities Policy, Army Environment,
and the Army Housing Divisions), Headquarters
Installation Management Command (HQ IMCOM)
Public Works, HQ USACE, and ERDC-CERL. The
committee was chartered to: 1) develop and execute a
plan to meet statutory requirements for external certi-
fication of five percent of MILCON program projects,
and 2) validate the Army’s internal certification pro-
cess for sustainability scoring of MILCON projects.
The committee made annual selections of Army proj-
ects to be validated and certified. Annual validation
site visits were conducted during 2009 and 2010 on se-
lected projects by a field team consisting of committee
members and others from their agencies, augmented
by LEED Accredited Professionals as needed from
various USACE District offices. In addition, USACE
Division and Centers of Standardization (COS) rep-
resentatives (MSCs) participated, representing their
Districts and Design Standards if applicable.
In late 2010, the SDD committee was dissolved and
the responsibility for certification project selection and
validation were assigned to USACE as a part of its
MILCON delivery responsibilities.