Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

has been a visiting senior fellow at the Army Envi-
ronmental Policy Institute. Her current position is as a
senior advisor in the CIO’s Office. Before joining EPA,
she was an assistant professor of political science, and
while at EPA has taught at several local universities.
She has lectured, and written conference papers, ar-
ticles and book chapters on environmental and health
policy, and political theory.

COL David Carstens

COL David H. Carstens is currently serving as the
Executive Officer to the Deputy Commanding Gen-
eral for U.S. Army Europe. His previous assignments
include: Collection and Jamming Platoon Leader and
Assistant Infantry Brigade S2 with the 6th ID (Light);
Infantry Battalion S2, Infantry Brigade Combat Team
(BCT) S2, and Military Intelligence (MI). Direct Sup-
port Company Commander, 10th Mountain Division
(Light Infantry); MI Company and Brigade Intel-
ligence Observer/Controller at the Joint Readiness
Training Center; G2 Operations Officer, Eighth United
States Army, Republic of Korea; S3, Task Force 202 MI
(CI/HUMINT), Kandahar Afghanistan; Fusion Cell
Chief, Combined Forces Land Component Command
(CFLCC), Baghdad, Iraq; and Joint assignments at
both the National Security Agency and Central Intel-
ligence Agency. COL Carstens also commanded the
524th MI Battalion (CI/HUMINT) in the Republic of
Korea and has been selected to command a U.S. Army
Garrison in Europe beginning in 2012.
COL Carstens was a Distinguished Military Grad-
uate of Kent State University ROTC and received his
Regular Army Commission in 1988. COL Carstens is a
graduate of the MI Officer Basic and Advanced cours-
es, U.S. Army Airborne and Air Assault Schools, the

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