Counterintelligence (CI) Officers’ Course, Joint Forces
Staff College, the College of Naval Command and
Staff, U.S. Naval War College, and the Senior Service
College Fellowship Program.
COL Carstens holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politi-
cal Science from Kent State University, a Master of
Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from
the U.S. Naval War College, and recently completed
a fellowship at the Central Intelligence Agency in
Washington, D.C., focused on climate change and its
impacts on national security. His awards include the
Defense Superior Service Medal, Bronze Star with oak
leaf cluster, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal,
and the Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf
clusters. COL Carstens is married to the former Aida
Starcov of New York and has one daughter, Nina.
Commander Corry Juedeman
Commander Corry Juedeman is a Naval Aviator
and currently serves as the Executive Officer of the
San Antonio Navy Recruiting District. She was com-
missioned in December 1993 upon graduation from
the ROTC program at Washington State University
with a B.S. degree in mathematics. CDR Juedeman
holds a Master of National Security and Strategic
Studies from the Naval War College and a Master of
Strategic Studies from the Army War College. She is
a Joint Qualified Officer and has amassed over 2800
flight hours and 300 arrested landings flying the E-2C
Hawkeye supporting worldwide operations.
Mr. Rymn Parsons, Esq.
Rymn J. Parsons is a U.S. Government attorney
and a Navy Reserve judge advocate. He holds a Mas-