Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

ter of Strategic Studies degree from the Army War
College, a Master of Laws degree (with dual desig-
nation in environmental law and international law)
from The George Washington University Law School,
and a Juris Doctor degree from Albany Law School.
His works on climate security include Strengthening
Sovereignty: “Security and Stability in an Era of Cli-
mate Change” (Sustainability, 2011); “The Climate is
Changing, the Navy Is on Course” (U.S. Naval Insti-
tute Proceedings, 2010); “Climate Change: The Hot-
test Issue in Security Studies?” (Risk, Hazards & Crisis
in Public Policy, 2010); and, “Taking up the Security
Challenge of Climate Change” (Strategic Studies In-
stitute, 2009). Views expressed by the author do not
necessarily represent the policy or position of the De-
partment of the Navy, the Department of Defense, or
the U.S. Government.

COL Kimberly O’Keefe:

COL Kimberly A. O’Keefe is currently an Army
Guard officer serving in the Resource Directorate of
the Army Chief of Staff for Installation Management
(ACSIM) in the Pentagon. Her latest assignments
included Resource Branch Chief for the ARNG Envi-
ronmental Division, Executive Officer for the Director
of the ARNG and USAWC Fellow at the Army Envi-
ronmental Policy Institute. She holds a Systems Engi-
neering degree from West Point (‘91) and an Engineer-
ing Management degree from University of Missouri,
Rolla. She is a Certified Defense Financial Manager
(CDFM) and holds Level 3 Acquisition Certification in
Facilities Engineering.

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