Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

gineers from 1974-1996 and retiring as a Lieutenant
Colonel. He was commissioned from the U.S. Mili-
tary Academy at West Point and served overseas in
Germany and stateside, including seven years on the
geography/environmental faculty at West Point. He
holds graduate degrees in Civil Engineering from the
University of New Hampshire (M.S.) and Colorado
State University (Ph.D.). Bill was a senior researcher
and administrator in the Warner College of Natural
Resources at Colorado State University for thirteen
years, prior to becoming CEO. His areas of expertise
include military lands, environmental and watershed
management and the study of warfare ecology and
military geography. He has authored numerous book
chapters and articles on these subjects. He also teach-
es graduate level courses on these topics via distance
learning. Bill grew up as an Air Force brat (the son of
a career officer) living stateside and overseas with his
family. He has been active in veterans and student-
veterans affairs in northern Colorado and at Colorado
State University, where he also served as the Assistant
Director of Veteran Services. He routinely speaks at
veterans-related functions in his community, includ-
ing Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

Dr. Marie Johnson & LTC Mark Smith (USMA)

Dr. Marie Johnson is a Professor of Geology in the
Department of Geography and Environmental Engi-
neering at the United States Military Academy, West
Point. She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard
College and received her Ph.D. in geology from Brown
University. Dr. Johnson serves as the Environmental
Program Director.

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