1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

362 6 Special Theory of Relativity

The minimum angle is found by setting dθ/dD= 0
This gives usD=1, that isE 1 =E 2 =E/2.

θmin= 2 mc^2 /E

The Lorentz transformation of angles gives us the relation


We need to consider one of the photons in the forward hemisphere. The
fraction of photons emitted in the CMS (rest frame ofπ^0 ) within the angleθ∗
is (1−cosθ∗). This fraction is 1/2 forθ∗= 600 , that is cosθ∗= 1 /2. When
one photon goes atθ∗= 600 , the other photon will go atθ∗= 1200 with the
direction of flight ofπ^0. Hence cosθ∗=− 1 /2 for the second photon. The
disparity factor
D=E 2 /E 1 =(1+β/2)/(1−β/2)=(2+β)/(2−β).

For relativistic pionsβ=1 HenceD>1.
A quarter of pions will be emitted within an angleθ∗= 41. 40 , that is
cosθ∗= 0 .75. In this case

D=(1+ 3 β/4)/(1− 3 β/4)

And the previous argument gives usD> 7

6.106 First findE∗the total energy available in the CMS

E∗^2 =(Eπ+mp)^2 −Pπ^2 ≈(Pπ+mp)^2 −Pπ^2 (BecauseEπmπ)
E∗= 4 .436 GeV
Total energy carried byK∗in the CMS
Ek∗=(E∗^2 +mk∗^2 −mγ 0 )/ 2 E∗= 1 .942 GeV
γK∗=EK∗/mK∗= 1. 942 / 0. 89 = 2. 18
βK∗= 0. 8888
γc=(γ+ν)/(1+ 2 γν+ν^2 )^1 /^2
γ= 10 / 0. 14 = 71. 4
ν=m 2 /m 1 = 0. 940 / 0. 140 = 6. 71
γc= 2. 466 ,βc= 0. 9141
Differentiate with respect toθ∗and set
∂tanθ/∂θ∗= 0 .This gives cosθ∗=−β∗/βc
cosθ∗=− 0. 8888 / 0. 9141 =− 0. 9723
θ∗= 166. 50
Using the values ofθ∗,γc, and the ratioβc/β∗in (1) we findθm= 59. 3 ◦
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