1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

6.3 Solutions 363

6.107 (a), (b) In the CMS,m 2 will move with the velocityβcin a direction opposite
to that ofm 1. By definition, the total momentum in the CMS before and after
the collision is zero. In natural unitsc=1.
m 1 γ∗β∗=m 2 γcβc (1)
Squaring (1) and expressing the velocities in terms of Lorentz factors
m 12 (γ∗^2 −1)=m 22 (γc^2 −1) (2)
Using the invariance
(ΣE)^2 −|ΣP|^2 =(ΣE∗)^2 −|ΣP∗|^2 =(ΣE∗)^2 (3)

P∗=0, in the CMS)
(m 1 γ+m 2 )^2 −m 12 (γ^2 −1)=(m 1 γ∗+m 2 γc)^2 (4)
Combining (2) and (4) and callingv=m 2 /m 1
γc=(γ+ν)/(1+ 2 γν+ν^2 )^1 /^2 (5)
γ∗=(γ+ 1 /ν)/(1+ 2 γ/ν+ 1 /ν^2 )^1 /^2 (6)
For the special case,m 1 =m 2 ,asintheP–Pcollision
γc=γ∗=[(γ+1)/2]^1 /^2 (7)
In addition ifγ 1
γc≈(γ/2)^1 /^2 (8)
(c), (d)
The Lorentz transformations are
Psinθ=p∗sinθ∗ (10)

Dividing (10) by (9)
tanθ=p∗sinθ∗/γc(p∗cosθ∗+βcE∗)=sinθ∗/γc(cosθ∗+βc/β∗) (11)
From the inverse transformation
P∗cosθ∗=γc(Pcosθ−βcE) (12)
and (10) we get
tanθ∗=sinθ/γc(cosθ−βc/β) (13)

6.108 At the right angle to the direction of source velocity the Doppler shift in
wavelength is calculated from
whereγis the Lorentz factor of the carbon atoms andTis the kinetic energy
of carbon andMc^2 is the approximate rest mass energy, the quantity

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