1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

7.1 Basic Concepts and Formulae 373

Fig. 7.4Rutherford

R 0 is also the minimum distance of approach in head-on collision for positively
charged particles of energy below Coulomb barrier (Fig. 7.4).

Impact parameter (b) and scattering angle (θ)

tan (θ/2)=R 0 / 2 b (7.16)

Minimum distance of approach

R 0


1 +


1 +

4 b^2
R 02

) 1 / 2 ]

=(R 0 /2)[1+cosec (θ/2)] (7.17)

Multiple scattering angle

The root mean square angle of multiple scattering

<Θ^2 >=k

tze/pv (7.18)

wherekis the scattering constant

k=[8πNZ^2 e^2 ln(bmax/bmin)]^1 /^2

t=thickness,N=number of atoms/cm^3 , Ze and ze are the charge of nuclei of medium
and projectile, pv is momentum times the velocity of the incident particle. For pho-
tographic emulsions, ln(bmax/bmin) is of the order of 10.

Cross-section and mean free path

Ifnis the number of atoms/cm^3 , then the macroscopic cross-section

Σ=nσ (cm−^1 ) (7.19)

And mean free path

λ= 1 /Σ (7.20)
Also,n=N 0 ρ/A (7.21)

whereN 0 =Avagadro’s number,ρ=density,Athe atomic weight.

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