1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

380 7 Nuclear Physics – I

Nuclear resonance fluorescence

IfE 0 is the transition energy in an atom of massM, the resonance energyEγ=hν
is given by

Eγ=E 0 −E^2 γ/ 2 Mc^2 (7.52)

The recoil energy

ER=E^2 γ/ 2 Mc^2 (7.53)

The width of the energy levelΓis the full width at half maximum, Fig. 7.10.Γis
calculated from the mean life time by the uncertainty principle

Γ.τ= (7.54)

Fig. 7.10Nuclear resonance

Compensation for the recoil energy loss

Source velocityv=E 0 /Mc (7.55)

Mosbauer Effectis the recoilless emission and absorption of nuclear radiation

ΔEr/Er=v/c. (7.56)


Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of an atomic nucleus. In natural
radioactivity, the decay may occur via alpha, beta or gamma emission. In artificial
radioactivity, neutron or proton may also be emitted.

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