1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

598 10 Particle Physics – II

For the neutral pion there are two vertices of strength

αembut the propa-
gator term is absent because photon has zero rest mass. Thus the decay rate
will be proportional toα^2 em.Butαw∼=αemaccording to the electro-weak
unified theory. Therefore, the ratio of the decay rates
ω(π^0 → 2 γ)≈

which is quite small and so charged pion lifetime (∼ 10 −^8 s) is much larger
than that of neutral pion (∼ 10 −^17 s).

10.107 (a)

Fig. 10.25(a)Dominant Feynman diagrams for the Bremsstrahlung processe−+(Z,A)→e−+

(b) The pair production processγ+(Z,A)→e−+e++(Z,A)

Fig. 10.25(b)

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