1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

612 Appendix: Problem Index

Stark effect of H-atom 3.101
Application of variation method to SHO 3.102
Application of first order perturbation to 2-D potential 3.103
3.3.8 Scattering (Phase-Shift Analysis)
To derive partial-wave expansion 3.104
α-He scattering, classical and quantum mechanical 3.105
σ(E) fromδl 3.106
Energy at whichp-wave is important inn-pscattering 3.107
To findδ 0 from knownσ 3.108
Hard sphere scattering 3.109
σelandσtotalfor scattering from a black sphere 3.110
Ramsauer effect 3.111
Explanation for low energy n-p cross-sections 3.112
3.2.9 Scattering (Born Approximation)
Form factor of proton and characteristic radius 3.113
Simplification of elastic scattering amplitude under the assumption
of spherically symmetric potential


Optical theorem 3.115
Reduction of Mott scattering due to finite size effects 3.116
Given the scattering amplitude, to obtain the form factor 3.117
Scattering from a shielded Coulomb potential for point
charged nucleus


Form factor for scattering from extended nucleus of constant
charge density


Root mean square radius from scattering data 3.120
Form factor for Gaussian charge distribution and mean square radius 3.121
Scattering amplitude for spherically symmetric potential 3.122
To obtain form of scattering amplitude for Yukawa’s potential 3.123

Chapter 4 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

4.2.1 Kinetic Theory of Gases
Maxwellian law
Velocity distribution 4.1
Energy distribution 4.2
Mean speed 4.3
vrms 4.4
Most probable speed 4.5
vp:: 4.5
vrmsfor H 2 4.6
vrmsgivenρ&p 4.7
< 1 /v> 4.8
N(α)dα,α=v/vp 4.9

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