1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

Appendix: Problem Index 617

A sphere of mass m and radius r has speed

3 c/2. To findE,<x>
before decay and shape as seen in lab frame


Photon has velocitycin all frames of reference 6.39
6.2.3 Mass, Momentum, Energy
Effective mass, KE and momentum of muons, given observed and
proper lifetimes


Energy from annihilation of 1g of mass 6.41
Speed of proton whose KE=mc^2 6.42
Speed of P and e when accelerated to 1GeV 6.43
Energy needed to break up^12 C into (a) 6p+ 6 n(b) 3α(c) 3αintop


Mass of a particle fromTandpmeasurements 6.45
Rest mass energy of electron 6.46
P.D. required for electron to accelerate from rest to 0.6c 6.47
Velocity at whichTdiffers classical value by (a) 1% (b) 10% 6.48
Forvc,Tmc^2 ,T(relativistic)→T(classical) 6.49
Effective mass of photon for (a) visible light (b) X-rays 6.50
1amu= 931 .5MeV/c^2 6.51
Energy from explosion of 5.0 kg fissionable material 6.52
Energy imparted to electron emitted at angleθin collision of proton
of velocityβcwith electron at rest


Energy carried by muon and neutrino in the decay of pion at rest 6.54
In the complete inelastic collision of a body with identical body at
rest to find the speed of resulting body and its rest mass


Mass of a body decaying into kaon and pion with equal and
opposite momenta


Speed of muon inπ→μνat rest, in terms of masses involved 6.57
EBinA→B+Cat rest in terms of masses ofA,BandC 6.58
Tmaxof electron in muon decay 6.59
In a symmetric elastic collision between a particle with an identical
particle at rest, angle between outgoing particles


An electron hasT=mc^2. A photon withPγ=Pehas

3 mc^2


In the decay of muon at rest if the energy released is divided equally
among the final leptons whose mass is neglected angle between the
paths of any two leptons is 120^0


Energy imparted to an electron which is emitted at 3^0 in the
collision of energetic proton


(a)mπfromTμin pion decay at rest (b)Te(max) in muon decay 6.64
Eπ 0 inp−+d→n+π^0 6.65
Mass ofK∗particle deduced from momenta of kaon and pion into
which it decays and angle between the tracks


A proton of KE 940 MeV makes an elastic symmetric collision with
a stationary proton. To calculate the angle between the outgoing

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