1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

618 Appendix: Problem Index

Available energy for the incident proton of known momentum
on a target proton of Fermi momentum when it is (a) parallel
(b) antiparallel (c) orthogonal


Elastic scattering of an antiproton with a stationary proton 6.69
Formula for the KE acquired by recoiling target nucleus when
elastically scattered by ultra-relativistic electron


Formula for particle mass (Mme) of momentum p when
elastically scattered by electron


Pmaxtransferred to electron in high energy neutrino-electron


In the relativistic elastic collision of massm 1 withm 2 (m 1 >m 2 )θmax
form 2 depends only on particle masses.


Formula for 4-momentum transfer squared in collision with electron 6.74
Momenta and velocity of electron in photon–electron collision 6.75
6.2.4 Invariance Principle
Compton scattering wavelength shift using 4-vectors 6.76
Squared four-momentum transfer in high energy electron scattering
at given angle


Mass of a particle which decays into two pions with equal
momentum at right angles to each other


Formula for mass of a particle decaying into two particles of known
mass, p, E andθ


Relations for Mandelstam variables 6.80, 81
Angle between twoγ-rays fromπ^0 decay andθminatEπ 0 =10 GeV 6.82
Rest energy ofω^0 inp−+p→π++π−+ω^0 6.83
Mass M of a composite particle formed in the collision ofm 1 of
velocityvwithm 2 at rest


Q-value ofΛ-hyperon from the energy and angular measurements
of decay products


Mass, velocity and direction of a particle decaying into two particles
of momentap 1 andp 2 at right angles and energyE 1 andE 2


Analysis of a V-type of event observed in a bubble chamber 6.87
Derivation of formula for the angle between twoγ-rays inπ^0 decay
from invariance principle


Maximum 4-momentum transfer in neutron decay 6.89
6.2.5 Transformation of Angles and Doppler Effect
Doppler wavelength shift of a receding star 6.90
Doppler wavelength shift of a nebula 6.91
For slow speed approximate formula for Doppler shift 6.92
Speed of a motorcycle at which red light would appear green 6.93
Color of light seen by a spaceship passenger when it appears orange
from earth


Doppler shift of sodium light moving in a circle 6.95
Emission angle of electron with energyEin scattering of neutrino
of energyE 0 with electron

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