1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

Appendix: Problem Index 623

8.2.4 Electric Quadrupole Moment (eqm)
Calculation of eqm 8.13, 16
Major to minor axes ratio 8.14
Condition for vanishing of eqm 8.15
8.2.5 Nuclear Stability
Condition forαdecay 8.17
Radius from separation energies 8.18
Decay viaαorβemission 8.19
Competitive decays of^64 Cu 8.20
γ-ray energy in^28 Al→^28 Si+β−+γ 8.21

(^22) Na mass in (^22) Na→ (^22) Ne+β++γ 8.22
Whether^7 Be→^7 Li+β++νpossible 8.23
8.2.6 Fermi Gas Model
To showp= 2 ρnEf/58.24
Pf,EfandV 8.25
8.2.7 Shell Model
Jandlvalues 8.26
Spin and parities 8.27, 30,
31, 32
Gap between neutron shells 8.28
Quadrupole moment 8.29
8.2.8 Liquid Drop Model
Zmin/Afor light and heavy nuclei 8.33
Most stable isobar 8.34, 37
Coulomb coefficient 8.35
Radii of nuclei 8.36
Separation energy 8.38
Binding energy of nuclei 8.39
Binding energy/mass number curve 8.40
Beta stability of isobars 8.41
Beta stability of^27 Mg 8.42
8.2.9 Optical Model
Imaginary part of potential 8.43
λand absorption of neutrons 8.44
8.2.10 Nuclear Reactions (General)
Reaction threshold 8.45, 48
Energy of products in K capture 8.46
Inelastic scattering 8.47
Difference in B.E. of^3 H and^3 He 8.49
Q value and KE ofα 8.50
Q value of^27 Al (p,n)^27 Si 8.51
Ethresholdfor^3 H(p,n)^3 He 8.52

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