50 Best Jobs for Your Personality

(ff) #1
___________________________________ The Best Jobs Lists: Jobs for Each of the Six Personality Types

Best Artistic Jobs Overall Employing 70 Percent or More Women

Percent Annual Percent Annual
Job Women Earnings Grow th Openings

  1. Training and Development Specialists ....................... 71.5% ........ $49,630 ........18.3% .......35,862

  2. Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education ........ 97.7% ........ $23,130 ........26.3% .......78,172

  3. Elementary School Teachers, Except Special
    Education ................................................................... 82.2% ........ $47,330 ........13.6% .....181,612

  4. Special Education Teachers, Preschool,
    Kindergarten, and Elementary School ....................... 83.5% ........ $48,350 ........19.6% .......20,049

  5. Middle School Teachers, Except Special and
    Vocational Education ................................................. 82.2% ........ $47,900 ........11.2% .......75,270

  6. Special Education Teachers, Middle School ............. 83.5% ........ $48,940 ........15.8% .........8,846

  7. Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education .... 97.7% ........ $45,120 ........16.3% .......27,603

  8. Makeup Artists, Theatrical and Performance ............ 93.4% ........ $35,250 ........39.8% ............392

  9. Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists ......... 93.4% .........$22,210 .......12.4% .......73,030

Artistic Jobs with the Highest Percentage of Men

Job Percent Men

  1. Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Motion Picture .................................................. 84.4%

  2. Film and Video Editors ......................................................................................................... 84.4%

  3. Architects, Except Landscape and Naval ............................................................................ 77.8%

  4. Landscape Architects .......................................................................................................... 77.8%

Best Artistic Jobs Overall Employing 70 Percent or More Men

Percent Annual Percent Annual
Job Men Earnings Grow th Openings

  1. Architects, Except Landscape and Naval .................. 77.8% ........ $67,620 ........17.7% .......11,324

  2. Landscape Architects ................................................ 77.8% ........ $57,580 ........16.4% .........2,342

  3. Film and Video Editors ............................................... 84.4% ........ $47,870 ........12.7% ......... 2,707

  4. Camera Operators, Television, Video, and
    Motion Picture ........................................................... 84.4% .........$41,850 .......11.5% .........3,496

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