50 Best Jobs for Your Personality

(ff) #1

____Realistic Occupations: Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians

systems and to resolve design or other problems.
Review and analyze specifi cations, sketches, drawings,
ideas, and related data to assess factors aff ecting com-
ponent designs and the procedures and instructions
to be followed. Position instructions and comments
onto drawings. Compute mathematical formulas to
develop and design detailed specifi cations for compo-
nents or machinery, using computer-assisted equip-
ment. Modify and revise designs to correct operating
defi ciencies or to reduce production problems. Design
scale or full-size blueprints of specialty items such as
furniture and automobile body or chassis compo-
nents. Check dimensions of materials to be used and
assign numbers to the materials. Lay out and draw
schematic, orthographic, or angle views to depict
functional relationships of components, assemblies,
systems, and machines. Confer with customer repre-
sentatives to review schematics and answer questions
pertaining to installation of systems. Draw freehand
sketches of designs, trace fi nished drawings onto des-
ignated paper for the reproduction of blueprints,
and reproduce working drawings on copy machines.
Supervise and train other drafters, technologists,
and technicians. Lay out, draw, and reproduce illus-
trations for reference manuals and technical publi-
cations to describe operation and maintenance of
mechanical systems. Shade or color drawings to clar-
ify and emphasize details and dimensions or elim-
inate background, using ink, crayon, airbrush, and

GOE—Interest Area/Cluster: 15. S c i e nt i fi c
Research, Engineering, and Mathematics. Work
Group: 15. 0 9. E n g i n e e r i n g Te c h n o l o g y. Other
Jobs in! is Work Group: Aerospace Engineer-
ing and Operations Technicians; Cartographers
and Photogrammetrists; Civil Engineering Techni-
cians; Electrical and Electronic Engineering Techni-
cians; Electrical and Electronics Drafters; Electrical
Drafters; Electrical Engineering Technicians; Elec-
tro-Mechanical Technicians; Electronic Drafters;
Electronics Engineering Technicians; Environmen-
tal Engineering Technicians; Mapping Technicians;
Mechanical Engineering Technicians; Surveying and
Mapping Technicians; Surveying Technicians.

Skills: Te c h n o l o g y D e s i g n ; I n s t a l l a t i o n ; E q u i p m e nt
Selection; Operations Analysis; Quality Control
Analysis; Mathematics; Repairing; Science.
Education and Training Program: Mechanical
Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD.
Related Knowledge/Courses: Design; Engineering
and Technology; Building and Construction; Phys-
ics; Mathematics; English Language.
Work Env ironment : Indoors; noisy; sitting; using
hands on objects, tools, or controls; repetitive

Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians

! Personality Code: RIC
! Education/Training Required: Associate
! Annual Earnings: $34,270
! Beginning Wage: $22,670
! Earnings Growth Potential: Low
! Growth: 15.0%
! Annual Job Openings: 10,866
! Self-Employed: 0.7%
! Part-Time: 14.3%

Perform routine medical laboratory tests for the
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
May work under the supervision of a medical tech-
nologist. C onduc t chem ic a l a na ly se s of bod i ly fl uids,
such as blood and urine, using microscope or auto-
matic analyzer to detect abnormalities or diseases,
and enter fi ndings into computer. Set up, adjust,
maintain, and clean medical laboratory equipment.
Analyze the results of tests and experiments to ensure
conformity to specifi cations, using special mechan-
ical and electrical devices. Analyze and record test
data to issue reports that use charts, graphs and nar-
ratives. Conduct blood tests for transfusion purposes
and perform blood counts. Perform medical research
to further control and cure disease. Obtain speci-
mens, cultivating, isolating, and identifying micro-
organisms for analysis. Examine cells stained with



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