The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1

supposedly, made more meals in their kitchens). And the restaurant

eaters were twice as likely to develop prediabetes. Other studies show

that women and men will consume 200 to 500 more calories per day,

respectively, when they eat at restaurants versus when they prepare food

at home. That can add up to a pound of fat a week!

Those study results make sense when you consider two facts: One,

the obesity rate in this country has doubled since the 1970s; and two,

the amount of food dollars we spend on meals made outside the home

has also doubled. Those two stats are intrinsically interrelated, because

when you turn over the cooking duties to some pimply-faced teen in a

paper hat, you lose control over both your ingredients and your portion

size. The result: enormous portions, empty calories, bigger waists.

Cooking your meals at home gives you much more control over

calories, portion sizes, and exactly what you swallow. I'm a firm believer

in the power of food—the right kind of food—to build muscle and burn

fat. That's why I've made eating more of the right kinds of foods, more

often, a guiding principle of the Abs Diet program.


Make it your mantra, too. It's a brilliantly counterintuitive plan for

achieving weight loss, because, hey, who doesn't like to eat?

Not only will you be amazed by the changes you see in your body,

you'll also be amazed by how quickly and easily you can whip up filling,

nutritious, and truly delectable meals. And there's nothing here that

could be confused with rabbit food pellets or “spa cuisine” or the

standard “diet” fare. Most of the foods that you'll find here are meaty,

gooey, belly filling, and high on the flav-o-meter.

But first, an appetizer: Let's take a look at how your kitchen—and

the New Abs Diet nutrition plan—can help uncover that six-pack within



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