michael s
(Michael S)
New Abs Diet Principle #1: Eat Six Meals a Day
Research reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed
that people who ate smaller meals more frequently—say, four to six
times a day—were half as likely to become overweight as people who
ate three or fewer times. How does eating more food equal less weight?
By maintaining a balance of energy through regular fuel-ups, you keep
blood sugar levels stable and control the release of insulin, a hormone
that causes the body to hoard fat. That's the scientific explanation, but
the plain and simple reason it works is because it does something most
diets don't do: It keeps you feeling full, so you won't blow your diet on a
binge at the Old Country Buffet.
The exact times on the clock aren't important. What is important is
that you eat something containing a mix of carbohydrates, fiber, protein,
and a little fat about every 3 hours. Now, how do you do that
efficiently? That's where the kitchen comes in. It's your staging area in
the battle of the bulge. That's where you plan and prepare your meals
and snacks, especially those important ones you take to work. Stock up
here and you won't frequent fast-food joints and vending machines for
pit stops.
New Abs Diet Principle #2: Never Skip Breakfast
Cooking (and eating) breakfast starts your day off right by revving up
your metabolism, your body's calorie-burning fire. If you skip breakfast,
you may reduce your metabolic rate by up to 10 percent, say
nutritionists. So, get up 10 minutes earlier and get into the kitchen to
make something substantial with oats and eggs, milk and fruit. A recent
study from Virginia Commonwealth University showed that a high-
protein breakfast (containing 40 grams of protein) can dramatically
improve long-term weight loss. In the eight-month study, obese people
who regularly ate a 600-calorie breakfast and a small lunch and dinner