The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1

2. Additional cardiovascular exercise. On non-strength-training days, you can

swim, run, cycle, walk, or use cardio machines. I recommend one high-

intensity interval-training workout one day a week. Studies show that

intervals are far more effective at burning calories than long slow cardio


3. Abs exercise. Twice a week. I recommend doing them before your

strength training or interval workouts. These moves help tone and

strengthen the core muscles that support your spine—and that look so

good at the beach when they are sculpted into six hard, little ripples

over your midsection.

You'll find detailed instructions for performing all these workouts

and individual moves in the books The New Abs Diet and The New Abs

Diet for Women. But if you want to get started in a light strength-

training program immediately, I recommend you ease into exercise with

this workout three times a week: Do three sets of pushups and three sets

of squats with no weights. Both exercises use your body weight as

resistance and will get your body accustomed to a strength-training

program. Alternate the exercises. Do 8 to 10 repetitions of pushups

followed by 15 to 20 repetitions of squats. Then repeat the sequence

twice more. You can rest for 30 seconds to a minute between exercises.

When that workout becomes too easy, increase the repetitions of

pushups and hold on to some form of weight for the squats. Light

dumbbells are best, but you can also use cans of beans or jugs of water

for resistance. This light workout, especially in combination with 30

minutes of brisk walking, will really fire up your fat burners. Then,

when you are ready, move on to the strength, interval, and core workouts

outlined in The New Abs Diet books and other workouts at

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