The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1


Introducing the Abs Diet Power 12

EVERY SINGULAR SUCCESS comes from having a great team around you.

Face it: Bruce Springsteen would still be looking for an exit off the

Jersey Turnpike if it weren't for the guys from E Street. Tom Brady? Just

a good-lookin’ lug without the Patriots around him. Picking smart

teammates is the key to achieving any goal. And the same goes for

weight loss.

Well, in this chapter, you're going to meet your team. Get to know

them well, trust them, and they'll take care of you for the rest of your


If you're new to the Abs Diet, the following pages will explain

exactly why the Abs Diet Power 12 food groups are so effective for

weight loss. Simply use the acronym—ABS DIET POWER—when

you're shopping for groceries, when you're cooking at home, and when

you're eating out. And if you're a longtime fan of the Abs Diet, then you

already know how effective the power 12 are at stripping away belly fat.

In that case, consider this chapter a review, worth reading before digging

into the recipes. You'll find surprising new information here based on

the latest nutrition science.

Remember, if you build your meals using these 12 powerfoods you

won't get involved in a risky guessing game. You'll know exactly what to

eat for every breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. You'll automatically

eat healthier. Here's a quick look at the Abs Diet Power 12 foods and

what they'll do for you.

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