The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1


TRY THESE, TOO: Lentils, peas, bean dips, edamame

Most of us can trace our resistance to beans to some unfortunately

timed intestinal upheaval (third-grade math class, a first date gone

awry). But beans are, as the song says, good for your heart; the more

you eat them, the more you'll be able to control your hunger. In fact, two

recent studies found that people who eat a serving of beans daily weigh

about 6.6 pounds less, have smaller waist sizes, and have lower blood

pressure than people who don't eat beans. Pretty amazing, huh? So, pick

your beans: black, navy, lima, pinto, chickpeas (garbanzos)—they're all

good (just stay away from refried beans, which are generally made with

lard). Beans are a low-calorie food packed with protein, fiber, and iron

—ingredients crucial for building muscle and losing weight.

Gastrointestinal disadvantages notwithstanding, beans serve as one

of the key members of the Abs Diet cabinet because of all their

nutritional power. In fact, you can swap in a bean-heavy dish for a meat-

heavy dish a couple of times per week. You'll be lopping a lot of

saturated fat out of your diet and replacing it with higher amounts of

fiber. Visit page 40 for a list of the best beans, broken down by protein,

fiber, and calorie content.


TOSS INTO SOUPS and on top of salads.

MASH WITH A FORK and add to burritos.

USE HUMMUS (pureed chickpeas) as a high-fiber substitute for fatty

mayonnaise on sandwiches.

#3: Spinach and Other Green Vegetables

POWER NUTRIENTS: Vitamins, including A, C, and K; folate; minerals,

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