The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1

elevating to entrée status, 150

Grilled Pineapple and Asparagus, 203

Improve Your Squash Game, 162 , 163

It's a Lentil, 172

Jerry's Rice, 178

Jim Bean Baked Beans, 176 , 177

Kale, Kale, the Gang's All Here, 160 , 161

Maria's Portobellos, 215

Monster Mash, The, 165

No-Sufferin’ Succotash, 173

Pot Luck Roast, 174 , 175

Root for Your Abs, 159

Rosemary's Baby Carrots, 165

Soul-Fried Collards, 158

Wok the Broc, 170 , 171

Sleep, 97

Slow cookers, 55


Almond Joy, 97

Artery Aid, 96

Beachside Blend, 97

Beet the Blubber Blueberry-Almond Smoothie, 105

Belly-Busting Berry, 104

Berry Banana Bubbly, 105

Blue Cheesecake, 96

Chocolate Pudding Milk Shake, 104

Coco Poof, 97

drinking regularly, 5

Endless Summer, The, 105

Extreme Chocolate, 100 , 101

Flower Power Smoothie, 105

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