The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1

more research shows eating an egg or two a day won't end up causing

LDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels to rise after all. In fact, a recent

study found that people who ate one egg a day for 12 weeks saw their

good cholesterol (HDL) levels rise by up to 48 percent. Scientists have

recently learned that most bad blood cholesterol is made by the body

from dietary fat, not dietary cholesterol. And the niacin found in eggs

boosts HDL cholesterol, which helps sweep away bad cholesterol.

Rethink your position on eggs and consider taking advantage of this

food's powerful makeup of protein. Calorie for calorie, eggs deliver the

highest “biological value” of protein—a measure of how well it supports

your body's protein need—of any food. In other words, the protein in

eggs is more effective in building muscle than protein from other

sources, even milk and beef. Eggs also contain vitamin B12, which is

necessary for fat breakdown, and taurine, which may reduce the effects

of stress chemicals in the brain.


SWIRL AN EGG into soup to make it more filling.

ADD A POACH ED EGG to spinach salad and top with shaved Parmesan


CRACK AN EGG and stir it into hot couscous or rice so it cooks right into

the grain and adds a creamy texture.

#7: Turkey and Other Lean Meats

POWER NUTRIENTS: Protein, iron, zinc, creatine (beef), omega-3 fatty

acids (fish), vitamins B6 (chicken and fish) and B12, phosphorus,


FIGHTS AGAINST: Obesity, various diseases

TRY THESE, TOO: Lean beef, lamb, fish, shellfish, Canadian bacon

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