The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1

before easing into the dicey inner aisles. The less time you spend in this

belly of the beast, the better.


Shop on a full stomach.

If you’re hungry, you’re more likely to reach for a bag of Oreos and start

snacking in aisle 7. Everyone knows that. But British scientists studying

eating and emotions say that lower serotonin levels in the brain caused

by an empty stomach may hamper your willpower. Their research shows

that low levels of this brain chemical make it more difficult to control

impulsive behavior.


Keep your head up (and down).

The food marketers know that both kids and adults tend to look at eye

level while shopping, so they pay a premium to the supermarkets (called

“slotting fees”) to have their foods on the middle shelves. What does

that mean to you? First, it means that if you buy off the middle shelves,

you’re paying extra for that real estate, too. Second, it means that the

major manufacturers—the ones who make most of the bland, low-

nutrient foods on the shelves—rule that lucrative middle ground. The

healthier foods tend to be stacked on the top and lower shelves. So, look

high and low when stalking the better choices.


Save trees.

As a general rule, the more packaging a food item requires, the less

nutritious it is. The closer you can get to whole foodstuffs, the better.

(One exception: frozen fruits and vegetables, which are often packed

minutes after picking and can actually be healthier for you.) In general,

packaging, processing, and shipping tend to suck the nutrition from

food and backfill it with chemical additives. Test yourself: Look in your

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