michael s
(Michael S)
How to store: Place meaty mushrooms on a flat surface, cover with a damp
paper towel, and refrigerate for 3 to 5 days.
What’s inside: GPCS, a peptide shown to reduce bone loss in rats, plus the
cancer-fighting compound quercetin.
Look for: Nice shape with no swelling at the neck and dry, crisp outer
skin. Lackluster onions have soft spots, green sprouts, or dark patches.
How to store: Keep onions in a cool, dark location away from potatoes for
3 to 4 weeks.
What’s inside: A complete nutritional package, including plenty of fiber
and vitamins C, A, E, and K.
Look for: Beginning to turn yellow and somewhat-yielding flesh when
lightly squeezed. Avoid papayas that are awash in green, have dark
spots, or are shriveled. Blotchy papayas often have the most flavor.
How to store: Once ripe, eat immediately or refrigerate for up to 3 days.
Unripe, greener papayas should be ripened at room temperature in a dark
setting until yellow blotches appear.
What’s inside: Vitamin C, antioxidant beta-carotene, fiber, and potassium.
Look for: Fruity aroma with a background color that is yellow or a warm
cream color. Those destined for immediate consumption yield to gentle
pressure along their seams without being too soft. For future intake, opt
for those that are firm but not rock hard. Red blush on their cheeks is
variety dependent and is not a ripeness indicator.
How to store: Store unripe peaches at room temperature open to air. Once
ripe, toss into the refrigerator and consume within 2 to 3 days.