The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1

body burning calories. Think about it: You’ve been fasting for the past 8

to 10 hours since you ate last night’s snack. While you were sleeping,

your body’s metabolism slowed down. By sacrificing breakfast when

you wake up, you’re operating on reserve fuel. Your body doesn’t know

there are eggs in the fridge; it thinks food is scarce so it throttles down

your metabolism even further to protect you from starvation. As I

mentioned in New Abs Diet Principal #2, skipping breakfast can

actually cause your body to burn fewer calories all day long—by as

much as 10 percent, according to nutritionist Leslie Bonci, M.P.H., RD,

of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Center for Sports

Medicine, and a nutrition consultant to the Pittsburgh Steelers football

team and Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team.

Plus, numerous studies show that those who eat breakfast actually

consume fewer overall calories during the day. The Journal of Nutrition

reports that eating protein for breakfast (think dairy, eggs, meat) leads to

feelings of fullness that can last for hours. The morning meal may also

reduce your risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, stroke, diabetes,

and cancer, and it strengthens your immune system so you’re more

resistant to common ailments like colds and the flu, which are so easy to

pick up at the workplace.

Okay, all good reasons to eat as soon as you wake. But it doesn’t

have to be the same cold cereal and milk every morning. Save that old

standby for days when the alarm didn’t go off or the kids have a cold or

you need to shovel the driveway before you can get the car out. But on

most other mornings, you’ll have time to mix it up a bit. That’s when

you can utilize your kitchen to create the perfect start to your day. Try to

get slow-burning carbohydrates, at least 20 grams of protein and 5 or

more grams of fiber. That will provide your body with a high-quality,

long-lasting, steady supply of energy to help you make it through the

morning. Many of the meals on the following pages will deliver exactly

what you need. But don’t worry, they won’t slow you down. I’ve

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